The catalogue is now closed with circa 280 items included. More
information to follow. No seller premium for members, Buyers premium 10%.
Club meeting 29th August 7:30pm
Letters of the month S,T,U.
Guest Speaker Malcolm Brady Signalling Equipment
Club meeting 25th July 7:30pm
♦New venue Barn at the Christchurch Vintage Car Club, 661 McLeans Island Road♦
Letters of the month PQR
Guest Speaker John Carter
John C Gave a very interesting talk on a variety of items, including a pepper
Pot pistol, swords, and knives. There were some particularly interesting
items from the Royal naval division of WW1. John talked about how the
division, consisting of 8 battalions were utilised in trench fighting. The
division took many of their naval traditions into the trenches, and other
regular divisions, often found their navel customs unusual.
Club meeting 27th June, ♦NOTE NEW VENUE♦
Our 1st meeting at the Vintage Car club “The Barn”
661 McLeans Island Road (click here for a map)
Come along and check out our new home.
Letters of the Month MNO
Club meeting 30th May 7:30pm
Monthly meeting Letters of the month JKL
Club meeting 25th April 7:30pm
ANZAC Day special Monthly meeting
Club meeting 28th March 7:30pm
Letters of the month DEF
29th February Pistol Shoot (599 Mcleans Island Rd)
This is to confirm that the Christchurch Pistol Club has invited the Canterbury Branch of the NZAHAA to hold the February 29th Branch meeting at the CPC range at 599 McLeans Island Road.
- The CPC will provide BBG cooking gear, NZAAAC will supply food and drinks, and a chef. We will be using the Deer Stalkers Club Room, and the gate will be open at 5.30 PM.
- The CPC will provide firearms (privately owned) and ammo, AAA will pay for ammo used by members and guests.
- At the January meeting, we will need to confirm the number of members and guests that intend to attend so we will have enough food.
- Before shooting we will give a safety briefing.
- All people attending are to bring Safety Glasses, Hearing Protection, and wear stoutly
constructed Footwear. - As many of us have an interest in things Historic you may wish to fire a Match Lock,
Flint Lock, and Percussion Pistol. - For those who want to fire something modern, there will be 9MM Semi Auto Pistols.
- If any of that seems fun, see you there.
Contact Hugh on 021 1277479 for more information OR if you are not able to attend the meeting on the 25th of January and want to advise attendance so that there will be enough food for all attendees.
1st meeting for 2024 (Thursday 25th January)
Letters of the month A B C
Welcome back fresh for the new year.
Final meeting for the year 30th November 2023
Pizza and beverages supplied by the club
Letter of the month (any) Bring any item or recent purchase to talk about.