In the 1960’s Canterbury Branch members were provided a location on a local farm to construct and use as a range. The photos below help tell this story.
Warren Collingwood recalls helping at the many working bees needed to build the range. When it came to building the embankment in front of the butts and compressing it, there were not many keen, except for me to drive the farmers tractor on the soft slope.
I scored a pole ( don’t ask where from) that we repurposed as the flag for the range. I recall transporting it in a van to Norm Pearces, with as much hanging out the passengers window than was inside. At his place all the necessary flag pole fittings were added and later we transported it to the range.
Colin’s car with a large load in the back.
Recycled material arriving by the trailer load on site.
Preparing the spot for the hut
Old crates being dismantled at Colin Young’s for repurposing at the range.
The recycled materials arrive on site. Lance Perham at left.
Lots of recycled material laying around waiting to be utilised.
Working bee with heaps of recycled material.
Picnic at the range out of the back of Colin’s Viva.
Another Colin Young working bee.
Working bee finishing off the hut.
Hut primed and ready for the top coat.
Working bee at the range. The hut getting a lick of paint.
Range hut nearing completion.
Working bee at the range.
The range hut – completed.
Len and Leonie Taylor with Bob Parker at the range.
Cannon trailer in front of Colin’s garage.
Material stored in Colin’s garage awaiting transportation to the range.
Storing timber for the range at Colin Young’s home.
Another shooter with a barrel cast from Cyril Atkinson’s brass cannon.
Cannon Ball Colin Young setting up his cannon with Bob Parker Snr.
A cannon waiting in line.
Range hut with 300yard range mound in front.
Bob Parker Snr bricking up a BBQ.
Getting ready for the cannon shoot.
Finishing the rifle shoot before the cannon shoot in the lunch break.
Robin Rapley and family in the middle watching on.
Geoff Oliver, John Creamer, Ray Atchison with hat on.
Mrs Taylor cutting the ribbon to open the range.
Mrs Taylor talking with Colin Young.
Mrs Taylor and Colin Young cutting the ribbon to open the range.
Colin Young watching proceedings. Young spectator about to install fingers in ears.
A young prospective member watches dad shoot a black powder rifle.
Firing a black powder rifle and waiting for the smoke to clear.
Cleaning between shots while others are firing and spotting.Ray Aitchison in foreground.
Chatting behind the line. Bob Parker Snr with his daughter and son Bob.
Loading rifles while others watch. Len Taylor and Robin Rapley chatting in the foreground. Ray Aitchison leaning over.
Colin Young with Bob Parker Snr.
A group of watchers including Lance Perham with the long hair. Mike and Pam Edsall centre rear.
Behind the mound spotting and waiting to enter the mound. The three in the middle are Marshall Voice, Robin Rapley and Ray Aitchison.
Lots of activity in the loading area . Ray Aitchison standing to right.
Colin Young and brother ?Watching the action on the mound.
Colin and Myrtle Young with Lance and Les Perham watching on behind other spectators.
Watching proceedings from behind the mound with Colin Young and Hugh Bullmore in the foreground.
Myrtle Young tending the copper before the chimney has been assembled.
Socialising at the end of the day. Boiling water in an old wood burner washing copper.
Colin looks proud of his efforts
Colin Young (bending over) , and 2 others concentrating on the task at hand
As a teenager, I recall spending many Sundays at the range with Les Perham’s son Lance. I especially enjoyed firing the cannons and the smell of black powder in my nostrils – Graeme Barber.